Are Huskies Good Protection Dogs ??

Are Huskies Good Protection Dogs

Dogs vary a great deal in their purpose in life. Whereas some are meant to guard, others are meant for friendly companionship. The huskies represent a breed of dogs that is quite striking with an energetic stance; however, are huskies good protection dogs? In the article following, we will discuss Husky-specific traits, some reasons why … Read more

Why Does My Husky Yawn So Much

why does my husky yawn so much

Like humans yawning regularly for different reasons, a Husky dog also yawns for several reasons and the yawning is a behaviour to express their reason to his/her owner to understand what actually a husky feels inside. You need not to worry about why does my husky yawn so much. There are several reasons which we … Read more

Why Does My Husky Jump on Me ?

Why does my husky jump on me?

Hey, are You worried about why does my husky jump on me ? Well it’s Common in every kind of dog breed and can be Controlled by Performing some training. So in this article we will have a clear idea about the Reasons of jumping and the solutions to it.  Let’s take a moment before … Read more