Do Huskies Like Water ? Can Huskies Swim in Water ? A Detailed Guide

Do Huskies Like Water ? Willing to know if the huskies like water or not? Get ready to get your answers. In this post, I have shared a detailed overview on do huskies like water. As a husky owner, it’s common to get this question in your mind. And all the huskies lover wants to know what is good and bad for their husky. So, without any time wasting, let’s directly dive into this article.

Do Huskies Like Water ?

Do Huskies Like Water ?

We all know that huskies are generally renowned for their good appearance, high energy and strong will personality. But the main question is do huskies like water? You will be amazed to know about the interesting relationship between huskies and water.

Huskies are not a great fan of water. We can’t say whether all huskies like water or not. It is different from one husky to another. While some huskies may like swimming but others don’t like to get in water. Huskies are bred to work in cold environments. However, huskies can be gradually introduced to water with proper training. While not all huskies like water but with proper training they can enjoy it.

The Nature of Siberian Huskies  

Siberian huskies are bred in the cold and rough environment of Siberia. They were used as sled dogs. They have a thick double coat to protect them from nasty cold. They are not naturally made for swimming. Because of their origins, huskies do not love water like other breeds such as Labradors, Golden Retrievers and so on. 

Huskies are also known for their curious personality. It simply indicates that they might not take water easily but they can enjoy playing in water with the right approach  along with time. It is crucial to remember that each and every husky are different. And each individual’s experiences and personalities will play a big role in What they might feel about water.

How to Introduce Your Husky to Water

If you are interested in getting your husky to enjoy the water, the following suggestions might be very helpful to you. Just remember that “patience is the key”. So, let’s directly dive into the suggestions.

Pic Credit – Pixabay

Start Slow

The first thing to Keep in mind is that you should start slow. Begin with shallow water at first. You can try out in kiddle water or at the edge of the lake. You must allow your husky to enjoy it at its own pace. Allow them to round around and put their paws on water on their own. You shouldn’t put pressure on them.

Make it a fun activity

Remember that in every activity, encouragement is a must. You can bring their toys and used treats to create a positive association with water. You can throw their toy in shallow water to make them get into the water. It can excite them to get into the water to enjoy their favourite toy. Or you can offer them good food while they get into the water. 

Safety First

If you have planned to take your husky to water, you need to take some safety. The main thing that I would like to recommend is buy a life jacket designed for dogs because you are introducing your husky to swimming for the first time. You need to supervise your fog around water. They can encounter problems while getting in water, so supervising is a must.

Gradual Progression 

Your husky will get more comfortable in the shallow water along with time. Then you can introduce it to the deep water under your supervision. They would show some signs if they feel discomfort. And I see many people forcing their huskies to get in the water, it is a totally wrong activity. Remember, your husky safety comes first.

These were Some suggestions by Which you can introduce your husky to water in a proper way with minimal problems.

What If My Husky Doesn’t Like Water?

Not all huskies will like water and that’s completely fine. It’s not a hard and fast rule that every husky should like water. The dogs also have their preferences similar to humans. If your husky shows some signs of discomfort such as trembling, whining or trying to escape then you should Keep your husky away from it. There are a lot of other ways to keep you husky happy without involving it in the water. Alternately, you can try activities like hiking, running and so on to keep you husky engaged and happy. These activities are enjoyable and beneficial for huskies.

Huskies loved water-activities

If a husky becomes comfortable in water, it can enjoy a variety of water activities. The huskies loved water- activities are mentioned below along with a short description.


Most of the huskies love to swim once they are comfortable in water. Swimming is one of the best exercises to keep your husky fit. 

Playing in Sprinklers

Playing in sprinklers can be a fun and refreshing activity for your husky. The movement of water can provide great entertainment.

Water Fetch

If your Husky enjoys playing fetch on land, they might also enjoy it in the water. Make sure that the water is not too deep.


This was the complete article on “do huskies like water”. In summary, some huskies like water while others do not. It is totally dependent on each husky’s personal preferences. While they are not Natural water lovers, they can be taught to enjoy water with the right approach.


Can Huskies swim?

Yeah, some huskies can swim but they need to be taught how to swim. They are not natural swimmers.

What should I do if my Husky is afraid of water?

If your husky is afraid of water then you shouldn’t force it to get in the water.

Should I use a life vest for my Husky in the water?

Yes, it’s always a good idea to use a life vest for your Husky in deep water.

Are Huskies good with water sports?

The Simple answer is that not all huskies are good with water sports.

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