Why Do Huskies Eat Grass? 6 Reasons And How To Stop It

If you are a husky owner then you might observe that your husky sometimes eats grass when you take your husky out for a walk. If you are worried about why do huskies eat grass ? and how to stop your husky from eating grass then in this article we have both solutions to this.

why do huskies eat grass ?

Why do Siberian Huskies Eat Grass ?

Siberian husky eating grass is not a major problem as grass eating habit is mostly common in other breed dogs too. But it will be a serious concern when it will reach a level where your husky seems to be worried or in problem due to excessive consumption of grass. 

In this article we will discuss 6 common reasons for your Husky eating grass like other breed dogs.

6 Common Reasons why Huskies eat grass

  • Due to offset stomach
  • Due to taste of Grass
  • Because of boredom
  • Due Nutritional deficiencies
  • Due to Anxiety
  • Grass eating become a habit

Huskies eat grass for upset stomach

Eating grass is common but if your husky eats grass just after eating food then there might be an upset in their stomach.

Sometimes Huskies eat grass to vomit if they feel that there is something in their food which may be indigestible or can cause problems In their stomach.

Eating grass makes husky throw up. If you want your husky to stop eating grass for throw up then you need to take care of their diet plan. Don’t give them some kind of indigestible food to eat which will create a problem in Huskies stomach.

Huskies eat grass due to taste of Grass

You husky eats grass due to its taste.Yeah, it might be possible that your husky loves the taste of Grass.

The taste of grass differs from plant to plant and some grass tastes sweeter, bitter ,sour, salty but dogs have a good sense of smell through which they can select a particular grass plant and start eating.

Between spring and summer, the taste of grass tastes a little sweet. It may be the reason why your Husky eats grass as your husky is fond of these tastes.

Huskies eat grass due to Boredom

Siberian huskies are a very active dog breed and they need at least 2 hours of exercise everyday. If you as a husky owner lack exercise then your husky might feel bored without much interaction with them.

So, it might be a reason for your Husky eating grasses due to Boredom. As a husky owner you need to take care of your husky and interact with them, play with them in the garden , go for a walk and do as many activities to keep them engaged.

If your husky doesn’t get that much interactive or playful session, they probably end their day as lazy and bored. It is one of the main reasons for your husky to graze in the garden whenever they get to play out there.

Huskies eat grass due to Nutritional deficiencies

Your husky eating grass is a reason for their nutritional deficiency. As we know Grass contains some Nutrients like vitamin B like folic acid,fiber and calciums.

If your husky lacks nutrients like fiber or calcium, they might eat grass to get those nutrients from the grass to fulfill their requirements. So you need to take care as an owner to give them required nutrition in their diet.

Grass may also help in digestion for your husky as it contains fiber and in some cases, it’s seen that the grass helps in treating intestinal worms in some dog breeds. This could be a reason for huskies eating grass.

Your Husky eat grass due to Anxiety

Like humans biting their nails when they get anxious,the husky sometimes eats grass due to Anxiety. Just to relax and calm your husky starts to graze grass. It might not be scientifically proven but as huskies are very sensitive, it has to be believed that they eat Grass when they are anxious.

If you feel that your husky is eating grass due to Anxiety then you should provide them with some playful toys to distract them and to focus them on the toys.

Due to Grass eating habits

Yes, it may sound different but if your husky Once started eating grass for no reason and it became a habit then your husky might continue this process as a regular thing.

Should you be worried when your husky eats grass ?

As we have discussed so many reasons for huskies eating grass, it’s quite a normal behaviour for most of the dogs. Eating grass is a common behaviour which is also seen in other dog breeds also, so it’s not something to worry about.

You should worry about this matter when your dog eats grass excessively and suffers with problems like vomiting,diarrhea due to the continuous eating of grass.

How to stop your husky eating grass

As we have discussed in this article, eating grass is quite a normal and common behaviour in all breed dogs. Still if you want to keep your husky from eating grass then you should follow these simple steps below.

Find out root cause

Before you try to stop your husky from eating grass, you should know the root cause of eating grass because as we have discussed above there are so many common reasons.

If u got the exact cause of eating grass then it will be easier to stop your husky eating grass.

Offers food to settle their stomach

Sometimes your husky eats grass to settle their offset stomach, so it’s your responsibility to provide your Husky a balanced diet and healthy diet which will be easily digestible.

Nutrition Deficiency

Your Husky needs proper nutrition for a healthy life, if your husky lacks the most essential Nutritions then they might eat grass to absorb that nutrition like fiber, calcium from grass to settle their requirements.

Regular Exercise

As Husky Dogs are very energetic and quick dogs they need at least 2 hours of exercise everyday. If they didn’t get enough exercise then they might feel lazy and bored which leads to eating grass sometimes.

Separation anxiety

Anxiety is one of the common reasons for eating grass in most of the dog breeds. If your husky suffers from separation anxiety this may be the reason for eating grass. Always try not to leave your husky alone.

When to call your veterinarian

If you feel or observe any serious Conditions where your husky eats grass regularly without any normal behaviour it might be a concern for you.

In this case you should call your veterinarian for better understanding and support of your husky’s problem.

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